Get Fried is a comedy show with a unique twist on roast battles. Hosted by Calep Lee and flanked by his two panel members Kyle Rogers and Mark Perkins, comedians will “get fried” and then roast one another while the panel chimes in throughout the battle. The laughs are non stop in this delightful Dayton Original.
Calep Lee
Calep “with a P” Lee is an entertainer that’s as unique as his first name. Lee’s lovable charm meshes with his urban roots creating a relatable and electric experience for a wide demographic of audiences. He’s a rambunctious ball of fun that never has a problem pushing the envelope for the sake of the show. Calep also runs an open-mic night at Carmichael's Pub along with Jeff Allen.
Mark Perkins
Bricky's Comedy Club is located in Star City Brewing Company at 319 South 2nd Street in Miamisburg, OH.
Doors open 30 minutes before the show and your drinks can be ordered on your way into the show.
Refunds are accepted up to 7 days prior to the show.
Get Fried is a comedy show with a unique twist on roast battles. Hosted by Calep Lee and flanked by his two panel members Kyle Rogers and Mark Perkins, comedians will “get fried” and then roast one another while the panel chimes in throughout the battle. The laughs are non stop in this delightful Dayton Original.